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the interest income they receive would be classified as which type of business activity for financial reporting purposes。这个问题问的是在income statement中,这个行为是应该记为operating item还是nonoperating item?

在原版书第三册中说道:对于nonfinancing company,所有的interest和dividend都是被看做nonoperating item;但是financing firm,都是视为operating item。这道题目的考点不是cash flow statement中的那些经营性,投资性行为,而是for financial reporting purposes,在I/S报表中是operating item还是nonoperating item。

4.  收入的确认方法补充

1)  Under U.S. GAAP

对于long term contract,可以选用POC和CC——此处定为考点,请重点掌握。对于short term contract,可以选用一手交钱,一手交货;installment sales或者是cost recovery。

2) Under IFRS,对于long term contract,只有POC那么如果遇到长期合同,与美国准则下CC相似的情况,在国际准则下选用收入的确认不超过成本,最后才确认毛利。其它与美国准则一样。

3) 那么installment sales和cost recovery如何区分假如:ABC firm considered the initial investment by the buyer was not substantial enough to warrant full recognition of the gain。

If  the recovery of cost is assured if default.也就是说就算是default,公司也能确认cost是可以recovery的。所以题目中有这样的描述就是installment sales;

如果没有这样的描述,那么就是cost recovery。Cost recovery较谨慎。

5.  FCFF的计算

考试时请看清题目中给的提示:如果是在IFRS下,题目中又说了,int. exp不是作为CFO的,那么在公式中就不需要加int(1-t)

6.  什么是non-cash charge——关键就是看有没有现金流

1)、 Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. Schneider Candy Company sold long-term notes receivable to Amerisoft, and simultaneously bought a fixed asset from Amerisoft, which both assets have the same fair value. Which of the following statement is most likely accurate?

这个题目说的是卖掉long-term notes receivable,即刻买固定资产,是对于同一个企业Amerisoft,所以this transaction does not affect cash flow statement; it could be listed in the footnotes in the cash flow statement.

2)、假设改成Schneider Candy Company issued bond using proceeds to bought a fixed asset from Amerisoft, which both assets have the same fair value. Which of the following statement is most likely accurate?

这个题目说的是issued bond,proceeds(有现金流了)后购买固定资产,所以肯定存在现金流,是CFF增加,CFI减小。就算是对于同样一个公司,也一样是产生了现金流.

3)、假设Issue bond use acquired to purchase plant这个动作没有现金流的流进流出,是not affect cash flow statement.

4)、还有一种是Issue bond use proceeds to repurchase stock这个动作是一部分CFF减少;还有一部分CFF的增加

7.  revaluation和reverse

1) U.S. GAAP:对于任何资产都没有revaluation,特殊——有活跃的交易市场的矿藏,贵金属,森林,农副产品

2) IFRS:都可以revaluation,特殊——inventory,但是inventory里的有活跃交易市场的矿藏可以

3) U.S. GAAP:所有资产都没不能reverse,特殊——held for sale的资产

4) IFRS:都可以reverse,特殊——inventory只能回转到Book Value,但inventory里的有活跃交易市场的矿藏可以回转到Fair Value。



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